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HomeGlobal NewsWatch | Moment when Israeli Police’s Yamam unit rescues 3 Gaza hostages...

Watch | Moment when Israeli Police’s Yamam unit rescues 3 Gaza hostages after 245 days of captivity by Hamas militants

The Israel Police on Tuesday, June 10, released body camera footage of Yamam unit fighters rescuing hostages from their captivity in Gaza after 245 days.

The rescued hostages are Shlomi Ziv, Andrey Kozlov, and Almog Meir Jan. 

The video clip captured by helmet cameras shows Yamam unit fighters raiding the apartment where the captives were held. Before finally managing to set foot in the building, after indulging in numerous firefights, the Yamam soldiers proceeded by decreeing the three hostages to identify themselves.

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“We’ve come to save you,” The Jerusalem Post quoted a Yamam soldier saying as Almog Meir Jan’s tense posture seemed to be relaxed after hearing the policeman. The video concludes with hostages fleeing on foot while Yamam soldiers provide cover fire and neutralise the militants.

The Israel police later issued an official statement with the video that reads, “Yamam and Shin Bet operatives worked simultaneously at two locations to rescue the four hostages, engaging in fierce combat with the terrorists.”

Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a social media post on X (formerly Twitter), stated, “This is the moment the elite Yamam unit rescued former hostages Shlomi Ziv, Almog Meir Jan and Andrey Kozlov from captivity in Gaza.” 

A video released later by the Israel Defense Force (IDF) captures one of the first moments of the freed hostages boarding the “Yasur” helicopter following their rescue operation. 

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The caption with the video states, “One of the first moments when Shlomi, Andrey and Almog board the “Yasur” helicopter after being rescued from Hamas after 245 days as hostages.” The Jerusalem Post quoted an IAF soldier saying, “You are going to Sheba Medical Center – I think you’ll get a warm welcome there.”

Yamam is a special central unit, also known as the National Counter-Terrorism Unit, which is one of four special units of the Israeli Border Police. 

The Yamam unit’s roles and responsibilities include offensive takeover raids against terrorist targets in civilian areas and hostage-rescue operations. It also performs tactical unit duties and undercover police work and handles military and counter-terrorism.

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