The Bharatiya Janata Party on Wednesday released its first candidate list for the upcoming 90 assembly seats in Haryana, but denied the ticket to former MLA Shashi Ranjan Parmar.
After his name was not included in the list, Parmar was so disheartened that he was seen weeping on camera during an interview, saying, “Ab main kya karun (What will I do now)?”
A local reporter interviewed Parmar and when asked about his exclusion from the candidate list, he responded, “I had thought that my name would be on the list…” He was reportedly been seeking a BJP nomination for the Bhiwani and Tosham constituencies, reported Hindustan Times, quoting JNC news.
When the interviewer attempted to console the BJP leader, stating the party will recognise his worth, Parmar started crying and said, as quoted by HT, “I had assured people that my name was being considered. What do I do now? I am helpless.”
Following this, the interviewer requested him to stay strong both for the party and the people who supported him, saying, “Netaji, aap hausla rakhein (Sir, please stay strong).”
To which Parmar replied, “What is happening to me…the way that I have been treated… I am in so much pain. What kind of decisions are being taken?”
Haryana Assembly polls 2024:
Earlier, the polling for 90-member seats in Haryana was scheduled for 1 October, but then rescheduled to 5 October by the Election Commission. The apex polls conducting body had cited the voting rights and traditions of the Bishnoi community, who commemorate their Guru Jambheshwar with a centuries-old practice, as the reason for the change in the date of polling.
On Wednesday, BJP released their first list for Haryana, and nominated chief minister Saini, the current MLA from Karnal, for the Nayab Singh Saini seat.