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HomeGlobal NewsThe impact and significance of October full Moon on 17th October -...

The impact and significance of October full Moon on 17th October – Times of India

The impact and significance of October full Moon on 17th October

The October’s Full Moon is also known as Hunter’s Moon as this is the particular time when people make a lot of preparations for the winter season. Hunter’s Moon.
A reflection of the sun
Due to the change of orbit, when the sun sets and the moon appears at the same time with both being opposite to each other at a particular angle or degree, the moon reflects the sun so bright that it almost look like another sun.The reason that it appears to look like two suns are due to the refraction of light. The sunlight is refracted by the ice crystals in the sky which only happens when the Earth changes its axis . The moon appears as bright as the Sun during the time in which the ice crystals are present, The ice crystals act as mirrors and the Moon displays the mild of the solar.
The phenomenon is called Hunter’s Moon
Hunter’s moon is a celestial term for the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox (elliptical orbit).
Hunter’s Moon, also known as the Blood Moon; a phenomenon in which the moon appears red.
The lunar surface turns a shade of red, like blood when the moon is enveloped in the earth’s shadow and only little beams of sunlight are able to reach it.
The full moon gets an orange tinge due to a combination of its position — the interaction between the earth’s atmosphere, light and position (low in the sky). The longer wavelengths are more red, meaning when the light from the moon has to travel through more atmosphere and undergo more scattering, the moon appears redder in the sky. This is also why sunsets and sunrises are orange.In the early times, when hunters used to stock up their provisions before the winter season so this Hunter Moon refers to the same
Full Moon 2024: Date and Time
Purnima Tithi Begins – October 16, 2024 – 08:40 PM
Purnima Tithi Ends – October 17, 2024 – 04:55 PMSpiritual Significance of Hunter’s Moon
The Old Farmer’s Almanac, which first began publishing the names for the full moons in the 1930s, states the full moon was named as the “hunter moon” because it marked the beginning of hunting season and viewed as a signal for hunters to begin preparing for the approaching cold.
According to the publication, after the fields reaped by the harvesters during the harvest moon — the full moon which appeared prior to hunter moon — hunters can easily observe the animals coming to scavenge (and the foxes waiting to pounce).
Other sources also named the full moon as Sanguine or Blood Moon, in connection to the blood from hunting or the color of the changing autumn leaves, the publication added.
This year, the hunter moon is positioned as a full moon in Aries, a Fire sign which Thomas said “will bring momentum, enthusiasm and passion to our lives.”

Potential meditations, mantras or journal prompts:

I am courageous in the creation of my life.
I ignite and unleash my inner fire.
I am the master of my destiny.
Nothing and no one can stop me from achieving what I desire.
Aries (21 March – 19 April)
Fuelled with positive energy to achieve a great deal in professional life, Arians will feel confident during this period. They might also feel a tad negative about their self as they navigate their position in the society. The key is to count their blessings and look ahead.
Taurus (20 April – 20 May)
Taureans will seek solitude during this phase. Instead of immersing themselves in work, they will look at healing their inner wounds through introspection and therapy.
Gemini (21 May – 20 June)
This is certainly a time to celebrate this curious and intelligent air sign. The natives will revive old bonds and make new friends to expand their social circle.
Cancer (21 June – 22 July)
This crustacean water sign will enjoy a lot of attention, especially on the professional front during this period. A new job or promotion is on the cards for this water sign during the October full moon of 2024.
This confident fire sign will broaden its horizons during the Blood Moon of October 2024. They will either travel internationally or liaison with professional connections from abroad.
Virgo (23 August – 22 September)
This is a transformative period for the mutable earth sign. Virgos, who generally hate making impulsive decisions, might be motivated to suddenly end a relationship which no longer serves them. They might also make some long-standing changes to their finances.
Libra (23 September – 22 October)
Partnerships, both personal and professional, will be in focus during the full moon period for this balanced air sign. They will make a positive move to strengthen their relationships.
Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)
Being focused on a healthy lifestyle and self-care will be of paramount importance to the Scorpios. They will seriously pursue wellness activities during this time.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)
Sagittarius natives will be in their element during this time. Not only would they actively seek adventure and growth, but they would also be motivated to go on solo trips and engage with new experiences.
Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)
Contrary to what Capricorns are usually motivated to do, they will focus more on their families and domestic life this full moon.
Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)
This revolutionary air sign will be focussed more on their internal and external communication. They would actively seek to connect with people to exchange ideas on a personal level and network rigorously on a professional front.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
This full moon season is all about wealth creation for this meditative, mutable sign. They will explore different avenues to increase their cash flow and attract money during the full moon of October.Full Moon Day (Pournami)
Negative Emotions: It’s advised to avoid expressing or harboring negative emotions like anger, jealousy, and resentment, as the full moon is thought to amplify feelings.
Arguments: Engaging in disputes or confrontations is discouraged, as the heightened energy can lead to heightened tensions.
Starting New Projects: Many believe that starting new ventures or projects on a full moon may not yield the best results.
Heavy Work: Avoid undertaking physically demanding tasks, as it is believed that energy levels can be affected.
General Recommendations
Spiritual Practices: Both days are often seen as times for reflection and spiritual practices, such as meditation, prayer, and cleansing rituals.
Focus on Positivity: Engage in activities that promote peace, gratitude, and positivity.
These beliefs vary significantly across cultures and communities, so it’s essential to consider personal or cultural practices when observing these days.
The writer Ashutosh Clairvoyant is astrologer, numerologist and healer

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