Tag: longevity


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Can Creatine Protect The Brain From An Unforeseen Injury?

Registered Dietitian NutritionistMolly Knudsen, M.S., RDN is a Registered Dietician Nutritionist with a bachelor’s degree in nutrition from Texas Christian University...

Aging Might Not Be Inevitable

João Medeiros In 1997, a French woman named Jeanne Calment died at the age of 122. She was the world’s oldest verified...

What Is Hormesis? Experts Unpack Hormetic Stressors & Benefits

High or prolonged doses of any of these behaviors or substances aren't sustainable or healthy (spend too much time in cold...

Long live longevity! Why everyone is trying to turn the clock back | India News – Times of India

Mohua Das A greying world has meant a new focus on living longer and healthier. A look at how science and money...

If Ray Kurzweil Is Right (Again), You’ll Meet His Immortal Soul in the Cloud

Steven Levy You put a stake in the ground with your book The Singularity Is Near. This one is called The Singularity...

MTHFR Gene Variations: Everything You Need To Know, From Experts

However, as Ferira further explains, "While food folate is great—and oh, by the way, leafy greens and similar plants are chock...

Beauty Refresh Awards 2024: High-Tech Tools, Treatments & Tech

This is the shower filter that made me believe in shower filters. Yes, I logically knew that hard water isn’t the...

Beauty Refresh Awards 2024: Skin Care Products For Longevity

Review from editor Alexandra Engler"What an eye serum! I've been through two bottles already and literally jumped at a chance to...

Omega-3s Reduce Joint Pain, Swelling & Stiffness, Science Says

Kirsten Nunez, M.S. As omega-3 fats exert anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions, they also promote joint comfort and mobility by reducing pain, stiffness,...

What A Longevity-Focused MD Eats In A Day For Heart Health

Jason Wachob Dinner is perhaps the easiest meal for Attia to hit his protein mark; generally, intake is often skewed toward the...

These Women Reduced Their Biological Age Up To 11 Years

Morgan Chamberlain A new case series finds that a methylation-supportive diet and supplementation regimen rich in epinutrients plus lifestyle interventions (e.g., quality...

