Netflix India has debuted the trailer for Section 36, a dark crime thriller starring Vikrant Massey and Deepak Dobriyal. The film, inspired by true events, follows the hunt for a serial killer after several children go missing over time from a slum in North India. It is directed by debutant Aditya Nimbalkar and written by Bodhayan Roychaudhury.
In the trailer, Ram Charan Pandey (Deepak Dobriyal), a Newton-referencing police officer, is on the trail of Prem Singh (Vikrant Massey), a killer hiding in plain sight. Though the makers haven’t made their source of inspiration explicit, the events in the film bear resemblance to the 2006 Noida serial murders, also known as the Nithari killings.
In 2006, Nithari, a village in Sector-31 of Noida, became infamous for its missing children and women, leading to the discovery of skeletons near a large house. The house’s wealthy owner, Moninder Singh Pandher, and his domestic help, Surinder Koli, were arrested on charges of abduction, murder, and rape. The case dragged on for years and grabbed headlines globally. The accused were awarded the death penalty in 2017 but later acquitted by the Allahabad High Court in 2023, which cited a lack of sound evidence for the acquittals.
Talking about his role in Sector 36, Vikrant Massey said in a statement, “Stepping into the character of Prem for this film was unlike anything I’ve done before. To convincingly play a layered and terrifying killer who could pass off as any other person has been difficult. Aditya (Nimbalkar) has done a great job in creating this gritty world meticulously. This is an incredibly important film, and as storytellers, alongside Netflix and Maddock Films, we hope the audience will be able to see the need to tell stories like these.”
Sector 36 is produced by Maddock Films and Jio Studios. The film streams from September 13 on Netflix.
Published – September 05, 2024 05:00 pm IST