MS Dhoni, former captain of Chennai Super Kings, has made his Tollywood debut with Thalapathy Vijay’s new film GOAT (Greatest of All Time). Released on September 5, 2024, GOAT marks the first time Dhoni has appeared on the big screen, and fans couldn’t be more excited. The movie, directed by Venkat Prabhu, has created a buzz, especially with Dhoni’s cameo.
In a thrilling scene, Dhoni makes an appearance at Chennai’s iconic Chepauk Stadium during an IPL match. Dhoni, fondly known as ‘Thala,’ walks in to bat, with Vijay performing a spectacular stunt. The pairing of Dhoni and Vijay, two legends in their respective fields, has driven fans wild, making this moment unforgettable.
Fans took to social media, sharing their excitement over the combination of Thala and Thalapathy. With Dhoni’s immense popularity, especially in Chennai, his cameo has only added to the film’s success. GOAT is already shaping up to be a massive hit, blending cricket and cinema in a way that has fans on the edge of their seats.