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HomeGlobal NewsLion's gate portal 2024: Your ultimate guide to manifestation

Lion’s gate portal 2024: Your ultimate guide to manifestation

Lion’s Gate portal, which peaks in early August but begins its energetic influence today. This occurs as the Sun aligns with Sirius, the most powerful star in our solar system, setting the stage for the Lion’s Gate. This year, the significance is amplified by Pluto’s final return to Capricorn before it moves on, leaving behind valuable lessons for a lifetime.

Lion's gate portal 2024 manifestation guide for each zodiac sign.(Pexles)
Lion’s gate portal 2024 manifestation guide for each zodiac sign.(Pexles)

Also Read Lion’s Gate Portal 2024: Here’s how it may affect your zodiac sign

Pluto in Capricorn encourages deep self-reflection, particularly in areas where you might be giving away your power or holding onto limiting beliefs that prevent you from manifesting your true desires. This energy is a powerful catalyst for introspection and courage, guiding you to confront and move beyond these barriers.

On July 8, you can use the energy from the Pisces Moon’s connection with Pluto in Capricorn to help manifest what you need. This alignment creates a powerful time for personal growth and setting intentions that will develop over the next month, culminating on August 8. This period is ideal for focusing on soul upgrades and bringing your dreams into reality. Let’s see what you can manifest based on your zodiac sign:

Lion’s gate portal manifestation for each zodiac sign

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Manifest: Self-confidence

Hold a tiger’s eye stone during meditation to boost your self-confidence. Sit comfortably, holding the stone in your right hand, and repeat: “I am confident in creating the life of my dreams.”

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Manifest: Believing in yourself

Write a gratitude letter to yourself, fold it three times, and anoint it with frankincense oil. Place it by a gold candle and say: “I believe in myself and my vision, even if no one else does.”

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Manifest: Being yourself

Make a scrub with salt, rosemary, and pine oils. As you shower, imagine washing away doubt and fear, and say: “I am opening myself up with greater transparency and truth.”

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Manifest: Honoring your truth

Rub lavender oil on your heart and sit quietly with your hands in tattva mudra. As you meditate, focus on a white light around you and say: “I am honouring my truth as sacred.”

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Manifest: Fulfilling your needs

Anoint your pulse points with lemon oil and place an amethyst crystal in your water bottle. As you drink throughout the day, think of your intention and say: “I am listening to and working on caring for myself in all the ways I desire.”

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Manifest: Positive thinking

Create a space with a white candle and sunflowers. Anoint your pulse points with grapefruit oil, sit with your palms up, and repeat: “I will focus on the light as I trust it to guide me through periods of darkness.”

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Manifest: Being present

Make tea with peppermint and lemongrass. As you enjoy it in a peaceful spot, focus on the present and say: “I am embracing and revelling in all the present moment brings.”

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Manifest: Planning for the future

Write your affirmation eleven times on a piece of paper, fold it three times, anoint it with jasmine oil, and plant it under lemon balm. Say: “I am embracing my ability to plan for the future confidently and joyfully.”

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Manifest: Growth-focused action

Anoint your third eye and sacral chakra with frankincense oil, sit before a red candle, and repeat: “I am committed to making decisions in alignment with my growth.”

Capricorn (22 December – January 19)

Manifest: Self-worth

Zest a lemon, add it to warm water, and drink it in a quiet place. Place your left hand on your lower belly and say: “I am worthy of everything I dream of and never need to prove my worth again.”

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Manifest: Emotional healing

Light white sage incense, lie down with selenite on your heart chakra, and do bee’s breathwork. As you relax, think: “I am honoring my heart and taking the time necessary to heal.”

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Manifest: Healthy boundaries

Sit within a circle of white salt, with your hands palms up, and visualize a protective light around you. Repeat: “I am practicing healthy boundaries to keep myself safe and honor my truth.”

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