Tamil film Greatest of All Time has released in theatres and has been garnering great word of mouth. The film GOAT box office collection day 1 is said to be close to Rs 43 crore in India, which is massive for any first day. Directed by Venkat Prabhu and starring Thalapathy Vijay, the film is a slick action entertainer. Like any Vijay film, the music of GOAT is also special and the man behind the same is non other than Yuvan Shankar Raja. As per reports, Vijay has loved what the young music maestro has done with the music of GOAT. Venkat Prabhu revealed that Vijay watched the film in a private screening with his wife Sangeetha. Right after, he praised the music composer and told the director that, “Yuvan has nailed it!”
Interestingly, Venkat Prabhu also shared that he was earlier scared of working with Vijay but then he met the superstar and all his fears came to an end. This was the first time ever that they were coming together and he didn’t know what to expect. But he was taken by surprise when Vijay made him feel comfortable. Venkat also revealed the aspects that make Vijay the superstar that he is, Prabhu shared that Thalapathy Vijay is a thorough professional, starting and ending shoots on time and always coming prepared, well rehearsed for the scenes. The actor has been creating waves in entertainment news.
Did you know Thalapathy Vijay rejected these films? Watch video.
Well, the result is out there for everyone to see. The movie is being loved by fans as well as critics. The film GOAT is a science fiction action adventure starring Meenakshi Chaudhary, Sneha, Prashanth, Prabhu Deva, Ajmal, Jayaram, Parvathi Nair, Premji and Yogi Babu among others. Vijay, who leads the film, plays a double role, using de-aging technology.
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