Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin TV serial is among the top five in TRP charts. The show witnessed a leap recently and a new twist has come in. Hitesh Bharadwaj is the new male lead of the show. Shakti Arora was the male lead before the leap. He played the role of Ishaan in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. However, his character died and the show witnessed a leap with new characters coming in. Shakti Arora, however, is still missed by his fans as Ishaan. In a recent interview, he spoke about life post Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin.
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In a recent interview with Filmibeat, Shakti Arora spoke about his life post Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. The actor mentioned that his life has been a little relaxing after he quit the show. He added that he is using this time to take care of his health, sleep, and more. His stress levels are low now, he said. Shakti Arora is simply chilling and enjoying his time. But he also added, “Because I know, when I’ll get a project, I won’t get time. So, I’m just relaxing, having fun, and taking care of my health.” Talking about his comeback, Shakti Arora stated that he is still contemplating on which project to pick up next. He said that he is getting a few offers but he is yet to finalise on one. He mentioned that he has no intention of sitting at home and rather pick up a project as soon as he finds something lucrative. His fans are waiting for him to announce his next TV serial soon.
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The latest track of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin revolves around Savi and Rajat Thakkar. Their story have started off with them being enemies. They are neighbours and rivals as they cannot see eye-to-eye. However, Rajat Thakkar’s little daughter Sai will bring them together. Savi is extremely fond of Sai. There are massive twists and turns as to how these two keep crossing each other’s paths. Soon, fans are hoping that they would get to see a love angle between the two.
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