Indonesian Teguh Islean Septura endures the sharp pain of laser treatment targeting the intricate tattoos on his arm. The former musician’s commitment to “repent” during Ramzan provides him the strength to continue.
decorated his back, arms, and legs with tattoos whilst performing in a band. Currently, Septura has developed a strong devotion to Islam, believing that Muslims should preserve their God-given body unaltered.
“As humans, sometimes we make mistakes. Now I want to improve myself by moving closer to God,” Seputra said, as a health worker aimed the white laser wand at Septura’s skin, blasting the red, green and black pigments with its penetrating light. “God gave me clean skin and I ruined it, that’s what I regret now.”
In Jakarta, an increasing number of individuals are accessing free tattoo removal services provided by Amil Zakat National Agency, an Islamic charity organisation, during Ramzan for practising Muslims to “repent.”
The initiative, which began in 2019, operates annually during Ramzan, a period dedicated to fasting, worship, spiritual reflection and charitable acts. This year’s programme has attracted 700 registrants, with a total participation of nearly 3,000 people to date.
“We want to pave the way for people who want to hijrah, including those who want to remove their tattoos” said Mohammad Asep Wahyudi, a coordinator of the event. He noted that many individuals lack the financial means or knowledge about safe tattoo removal options.
The cost of laser removal, requiring multiple sessions with potentially incomplete results, could reach thousands of dollars for extensive tattoos like Septura’s.
In certain Asian societies, tattoos maintain strong associations with criminal activities and gangs. Beyond religious restrictions in Muslim-majority Indonesia, attitudes towards tattoos reflect discriminatory views against women, who risk being labelled promiscuous or unsuitable for marriage if tattooed.
Sri Indrayati, 52, tattooed her first daughter’s name on her hand when she was 22. She expressed regret as her grandchildren repeatedly requested its removal, comparing it to untidy, thick marker writing.
“When I take my grandson to school, (the children) whisper to each other: look at that grandma, she has a tattoo!” she said.
Evalia Zadora acquired a large star tattoo on her back and inscribed “Hope, Love and Rock & Roll” on her upper chest as a teenager for gang acceptance. She now seeks removal to strengthen her religious commitment and respect her family’s wishes.
“Bad image (against people with tattoos) is not a big deal for me, but it affected my husband and son,” said Zadora, 36. “They are not comfortable with my tattoos and I respect their feelings, so I want to remove it.”