Chinese authorities have notified Walt
Disney Co.
that “Avatar: The Way Of Water” will be released in China on Dec. 16, the same day it is slated to be released globally, according to people familiar with the matter.
Executives at Disney and at movie-theater chains had been closely watching for a decision from Chinese censors on the movie, director James Cameron’s sequel to the 2009 science- fiction epic. It will be distributed by Disney-owned 20th Century Studios.
The last seven superhero films produced by Marvel Studios, Disney’s most-profitable film studio over the past decade, haven’t received release dates in the crucial China market, denting the global box-office gross.
In July, for example, Disney cited the lack of a China release for “Thor: Love and Thunder,” the fourth solo film featuring Chris Hemsworth’s Thor character from the popular Avengers superhero team, as one reason the movie underperformed at the box office.
Updates to follow as news develops.
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